Puppy Selfie Day – and a new rooster

We had quite a busy week – including my very first riding lesson at the barn (I’m still a tiny bit sore, but much better than Saturday when I had to hike across university campus again).  Kristen’s reining lesson got cancelled on Tuesday due to a misunderstanding, so she was a little bit bummed out.  We went to JoAnn’s and returned my patterns that didn’t sell and bought some of the paint for the new mural in the pantry and then went to Michael’s to find the rest of the paint.  We also stopped by Hobby Lobby just for the fun of it.  They had their Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff out!!!  I know they do the Christmas in July sale, but it isn’t even the 4TH of July yet!!!!  Quit rushing me I’m enjoying my summer.

My riding lesson on Thursday was fun.  Everyone was so encouraging and one of the just-out-of-college helpers (who boards her horse there) gave my lesson.  She was fantastic.  All I did was walk around on Kurt’s “Yee Hah!” horse, but by Friday night I was sore and Saturday when we picked up Karra I was really sore.  Sore and stiff when we dropped her off (from eating bad for me foods for a week) and sore and stiff when we picked her up from having a horsey ride 🙂  She had fun at the camp and made friends and designed a really neat outdoor eating pavillion for their project.  She said the people on her team were really hard to work with and couldn’t make up their minds.  Working with people can be a real drawback.  I encouraged her that not every team she works on is going to be full of difficult people.

On Friday Kristen was getting a little bored so she took puppy selfies.


Here she is with Lexi (and Dad’s shoes photobombing the background!).  Noticed the one folded over ear on our “German Shepherd”.  Silly puppy.


And here she is with Luke (I cropped out the messy blanket on the couch – aren’t I good?).  She had a hard time getting Luke to look up until I stood over them.

And also on Friday we got a rooster for our baby chick chicks.


He’s a black silkie (just what I wanted) and is 5  months older than the baby girls.  A big difference now, but it won’t matter much in a couple of months.  For now he’s living in the little dog crate inside the coop.  When the girls came to inspect him one of the barred rocks pecked him in the face!  Bad little girl.

We had planned to name him Little Joe because Kristen really likes to watch Bonanza, but on the way home he kept saying,  “Brik, Brik, Brik” and I (having an Ah Ha moment) said we should name him Emmett from the Lego Movie because he keeps saying “brick, brick”.  She didn’t like that at all and we had a real back and forth about it.  When we asked the rooster he just kept saying, “Brik, Brik, Brik”.  We finally settled on Little Joe Emmett and Kristen said we’ll end up giving him a nickname anyway.  I said  how about Jemit!?  NO NO NO NO!!!  And so we decided to just name the rooster – Brik.


Isn’t he purty?  He has the prettiest irridescent green on his tail and some pretty orange around his neck.  He is really calm and has the prettiets “Hello, world.” crow in the morning.  When all of the girls go out of the coop in the morning he always calls someone back to keep him company.  We’re really hoping that he will be a good protector for Lady Grace.

And That’s What’s Happening on the Hobby Farm.

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I'm a wife and Mom, retired homeschool teacher, seamstress, crafter, chicken keeper, crazy bumble bee lady, Nana-wannabe, book reading, Jesus lover! I love living on a small farm, raising animals, and playing in the snow - not that it snows here.

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